Monday, May 7, 2012

day 58 - 05/07

so sorry to everyone for the delay in posts. it was a combo of erasing all of my already written posts on my phone by accident and just feeling so ill lately. btw, when i report this stuff that isn't exactly pleasant, it is not complaining at all and i hope it doesn't come off that way. i signed up for a life changing experience and all it has to offer, including all experiences, the pleasant with the not-so-pleasant. i actually love it all. including where i am updating my blog right now. i still can't believe it and am truly humbled by their generosity and graciousness. explanation . . . i went to the post office in port clinton, pa today to pick up a package of goodies from my bff, and after chatting with the postman, russ, for a while he offered me a bed, shower, dinner, and laundry at his house for the night. best trail magic ever. his wife made this amazing meal of chicken, scalloped potatoes, snow peas, corn, apple sauce, and blueberry muffins and then apple turnovers and vanilla ice cream for dessert. the shower felt amazing, the conversation was so easy, and i even got to watch one of my favorite tv shows, game of thrones. unbelievable! i am truly humbled by the generosity of russ and wendy and by how completely welcomed i felt in their home. so many experiences on the trail have shown me the inherent goodness and love in people and that the exceptional cases of non-goodness and non-love so often shown on the evening news are just that - exceptions! oh, and i passed mile 1200 today. 18.5mi from hertline campground to port clinton, pa. 1211.7 total.

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