Wednesday, April 11, 2012

day 31 - 04/10

and they just keep getting better . . . i read somewhere before i left that those who successfully complete a thru hike typically enjoy all trail experiences no matter what they may bring. i am so glad i have adopted this frame of mind. i think i have always been this way, but the trail has really brought it out in me. i woke up at 03:30 with three other hikers and we hiked until after sunrise, mostly just by the light of the moon. it was magical. the forest is so unimaginably silent and still. it was great how we all just non-verbally agreed to hike silently and enjoy all the night had to offer. it was very meditative because one has to be extra focused so as not to trip over something on just about every other step. at the same time it was amazing to me how with just the light of the moon my brain could see portions and silhouettes of objects and then accurately predict my foot placement about 90% of the time. the sunrise was also very beautiful, but i could not take a picture, unfortunately, because my phone would not turn on because it was so cold. or maybe it was my fingers that weren't working properly - i'm not sure. in any case, we made it to chester field shelter, which was totally enclosed with bunks and an indoor picnic table!!! you don't understand! on a cold, windy day on the trail this is like the ritz carlton of shelters. i ended up crawling in my sleeping bag and napping until noon. then i went another 15mi to laurel creek campsite where i am camping with one of the three other hikers from today. tommy lee jones and i had some great campfire conversation and i am now again tired and ready to sleep at 22:30. i have an easy day tomorrow, just 7mi, into bland, va, where i am meeting my aunt and uncle for lunch. can't wait! 9mi from knot maul to chester field shelter then 14.8 from chester field to laurel creek campsite. 577.4 total.


  1. Tribhu, it's great reading your journal, makes me miss the AT that much more. You are doing some crazy miles! I made it to Damascus on April 10th...123 miles in 11 days! Thanks again for slowing down and hiking with me on my first day in. Take care! Megaphone

  2. megaphone! i miss ya babe! it was so great to hike with you! hope all is well and thanx for following my blog! peace and love - tribhu
