Tuesday, May 15, 2012

day 66 - 05/15

day 66 and i took my first zero today! it was a combination of waking up very fatigued and knowing that there was a storm coming that was anticpated to drop 3 inches of rain today. the storm never ended up materializing, but the rest and relaxation was frickin awesome! i think my body was just really ready to take a break. my mind and ego, however,  had a tough time of it today. my feet were just itchy, so to speak, to get back on the trail. i now feel very rejuvinated to move on tomorrow and be in ny and then ct in just a few days. i am still toying with the idea of going in to new york city for the day on friday. the metro north line goes all the way out to bear mt and only costs 16.25 to get all the way to grand central station. i am just a little concerned that i may get overwhelmed by the incredible amount of sensory information in new york city. i get a little overwhelmed in small little towns, so the city must be crazy. humans are very loud! this is something one realizes when the rustling of leaves by a squirrel is the loudest sound one hears all day! lol! 0mi today! 1350.9 total.


  1. Hi, I've been enjoying your blog.

    I'm a section/day hiker who lives in NYC and doesn't have a car, so I know a bit about getting from the AT to the city on public transportation.

    The Metro North stop nearest to Bear Mountain (Manitou) is not a good way to get to the city because the schedule is designed for day-hikers -- it goes up from the city on Saturday and Sunday morning only, and back down on those evenings. No weekday service, so it's useless to you for anything but a Saturday/Sunday overnight stay. This is the same at the Appalachian Trail Station, which is right on the trail close to the Connecticut border.

    Your best bet to get to the city from the AT is to take the Metro North train from Harriman Station. There's a blue-blazed trail called the Sapphire Trail that leads down to the station a few miles before you enter Harriman State Park, before you get to Bear Mountain. Take a left turn at the cairn, and the trail head is right across from the station. Take the train south, and transfer at Secaucus for the train into Penn Station, NYC.

    If you miss that station, the second best option is the Metro North station in Garrison, NY. After you cross the Hudson, continue on the trail about 5 miles to the first major road crossing (there's a gas station there called "Appalachian Market," you can't miss it). You can follow that road straight to the train station in Garrison -- but it's about 3 miles of road walking.

    Hope this is helpful.

  2. wow dude! thanx for the info. i would have been totally lost standing at manitou waiting for a train that apparently no longer exists.

    just curious - how did you find my blog? thanx for reading - it's nice to know people are enjoying it!


  3. Sadly, Manitou is only useful to people like me who want to day hike at Bear Mountain on Saturdays and Sundays. But don't let that discourage you from visiting the city! And if you want to chat about the thru-hiking experience over dinner, I'd be happy to buy.

    I don't remember exactly how I found your blog, but it was either through Google, Facebook or Whiteblaze.net. I'm not sure I would ever want to do a thru-hike myself but I decided to do it vicariously this year by following the blogs about twenty thru-hikers. I found them all back in early April through various web-stalking techniques. You'll be happy to know that you're racing far ahead of the peloton -- most of the pack is still in Virginia and a few are still in Tennessee.

  4. wow! thanx. send me an email directly so we can exchange info: timothyplaza@gmail.com

    also, do you know of any clean, cheap hostels in the city? in case i stay the night.
